Today I got up the courage to stitch into my grasses from yesterday. I think that it's coming along quite well. Nice smooth (mostly anyway) directionaly lines.
I took Debra's advice and used the first pieces as samples to test the stitching. I'm glad I did too as I quickly decided that black thread did nothing for it - even though there are black fabrics on it.
I don't have a walking foot so used by darning/free motion embroidery foot and tried my best to keep the speed relatively slow. There was a bit of breakage particularly in the lower left corner where the layers are quite thick.
Here's the sample that I did on the first piece. Not sure if you can see the black thread but it looked as though somebody had drawn over it with a black marker.
Oh, and I thought I show you my studio... It's a temporary studio - goes up on the weekends and is packed away during the week. The sewing machine is set up permanently in the office along withthe books, threads and the rest. But this is where I sat and cut and fused all weekend. THe ironing board is lowered so that I can sit and cut and place and iron, without disturbing anything.
Hello Sophie
well I have gone in and had a look at your blog from more or less the beginning and I have a question ... did you finish that course in art? I could not find reference to it anywhere... I have also gone and had a look at some of your lovely work ... well done I really like the rust scarves and your chartruse diamond quilt.. keep up the good work.
Dangling by a thread
I really like the pink and yellow stitching Sophie, just perfect.
The stitching now adds an element of movement, like breezes through the grass---perfect!
Hi Sophie,
I also find stitching a sample helpful - much easier than having to unpick your masterpiece! That piece looks lovely.
Shirley in NZ
you GO, girl! That stitching look sgreat, really helps move the piece along. If you're getting lots of thread breakage, may I suggest a bigger needle? It sounds really obvious, but there has to be room for the needle point *and the thread* to go through the hole it punches in the fabric. (ask me how I know this!)
I really like the grass piece. Love the organics of it; the movement.....
Hi Sophie,
So glad to see you back in the swing of the textile art again. I love this spinifex piece and can imagine a series of them. Do you have plans for more?
This looks fabulous! I love the imagery and the stitching.
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