Friday, November 28, 2008

So what's next?...

Now that Sue's Japanese quilt is as good as finished - what's next?...

Yes, I still have the hand-stitching, but that's a TV and movie watching task - perhaps I can even stitch in the car as we travel north to Sue's place on Christmas eve...

First is to clean up the sewing room. It has kinda got outta hand in the past weeks... really outta hand!

From Art

(I kept that pic small on purpose - you get the idea without seeing JUST how bad it is!) Definitely time to fix it.

As for what project is next?...

My japanese quilt is hanging there tempting me, but first I need to invest in a walking foot or the frustration is going to get the better of me. I really should look over there on the left and pick up another of those "projects on the go"... BUT I'm really thinking that some bags and purses might be what I'd really like to turn my attention to.


Jackie said...

This is such a lovely place to be..clearing away after one project and looking forward to the next.

Sandra said...

I am always glad that I am not the only one who's sewing room keeps turning in to a mess ;)