Friday, February 17, 2012

Lima... (en route to Brazil)

Our trip to Brazil started with a flight to Lima.  We had the afternoon to spare and so headed into Lima for a look around and to get a few of the usual tourist shots.  This is the historic centre of Lima.


Zac getting his shoes shined on a Lima street corner

Our quick tour was then finished off with a late lunch at Saqra in Mireflores (Lima).  Lunch was delicious (I had chicken marinated in Pisco, on a bed of polenta with a blue cheese sauce - YUMM!!

Desert was also incredible, with a bit of table-side food-theatre as our waitress presented out dishes and then proceeded to smash the small shot glass holding the sauce for one ot the deserts - the shot glass was actually sugar/toffee (a lot of fun!)

Then we were back in a taxi headed for the airport for the next leg of our journey - Lima to Rio de Janerio.  That in itself was an interesting trip. It seems we hit peak hour and so our driver took us through some back streets of Lima trying to avoid the congestion (but not before locking the doors).  Driving in Lima is an artform... the taxi drivers are completely aware of who is around them and use there horn frequently to let people know they're coming, or to ask if you want a taxi.

Sunset as we left Mireflores (from the taxi)

Lookout Brazil, here we come!...

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