Tuesday, March 20, 2007


B and I have been thrust into turmoil - the owners of our rental property have decided to sell 7 months before our lease expires. The real porblem is that they have a buyer who will buy if the place is vacant which means that they need us to get out asap. Soooo we've been frantically searching for somwhere to live. Not that they can throw us out before our lease expires, it's just that this way we get a bit of choice about where we live. Of course the options are limited and the number of people looking is high so it's increasingly depressing to say the least.

Add to that the fact that the computer has died, AGAIN!!! and we are using the dinosaur old PC which takes forever to load up one screen.

I have pictures that I want to share, but without the notebook I can't upload them and so we'll all just have to wait..... Soon.... hopefully.....


Susan said...

Oh, you have my sympathy! What bad timing all the way around. I hope you find a fabulous place, and it's affordable.

Maureen said...

Good luck with the househunting.

arlee said...

Luck, Soph!