Monday, March 13, 2006

I have been creating... honest!...

I've been a bit slack blogging lately. I've not created much and thus withdrew a little. But I have managed to do something this weekend - here are my results.

On Saturday I had play day with the girls. After the usual coffee, cake and show'n'tell we made paper. We experimented with whatever we could lay our hands on...

Silk and wool fibres, silk fabric, Angelina fibres, Sticks...

Gauze and grasses...And this... It started as a plastic egg shape from spotlight, with gausze dampened and layed over top, and then paper pulp dropped on top. What will I do with this I hear you ask?? I have no idea!!! I have removed the plastic eg, and it holds its shape really well. Perhaps I could mount it onto a surface and stitch it down... I'll have to give it some more thought.

This is my sample from Susan Sorrell's Joggles workshop - Fabric Collage. I'm a little behind and am only up to lesson 3 (should be at 4). Here is my piece almost finished.

The next step (lesson 4) is the beading. I've got my beads assembled (there was a 20% off everything sale at Spotlight today so I'm all stocked up on beads) and will give it a go tomorrow evening after work. Just in time, before lesson 5 comes out tomorrow evening.


Robin said...

I LOVE your joggles project! I'm going to have to go over there and peruse some classes myself...I thought it was mostly doll stuff. Your colors are gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

The egg-shaped thingie looks to me to have the makings of a tree fungus, if paitned and embellished and attached to a larger piece. Could be a neat study of a tree....

Anonymous said...

hey girl,
Caught you blogging about your fiber collage. :) I googled my name and your entry came up. Have you finished your piece yet??? Please post it on the forum when it is completed!!!!
Big Hugs,