This is what the postie brought me today... Thre fabulous envelopes of goodies.
This is an eBay bargain that I bought last week. Check out the envelope - decorated just for me!!!
And this is my first postcard received from Group 15 - a group of 25 of us exchanging postcards over the next 6 months. This one is from AnnMarie.

and this is the back - she even decorated that too!!
Oh you gotta love a good mail day! You are into such yummy stuff .... makes me want to go play more with my fabric dyeing. Thanks for the inspiration and wishing you a great weekend!
Oh! Lucky you! I got bills....
Had a great mail day of a similar sort last week, though!
Nice, isn't it? Starts your creative energies pumping in an ever-so-wonderful way!
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