Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Call for help - completely off topic!!

My Mum is off to a cocktail party this weekend. The theme... "Rocky Horror Picture Show". Can anybody out there help us with ideas (relatively simple as access to resources is limited)????? All input would be greatly appreciated.


Maureen said...

Oh Sophie, what a theme! I reckon the little black dress and save the horrors for the cocktail hat, a small confection of veiling and dripping blood chiffon and anything else you can think of to add 'horror' to the outfit. You must have lots of stuff in your stash already.

Lex and Judy said...

Thanks for the suggestions ... but I've been given a character!!! A transvestite! ;-( Sophie is so far away, I have relied on the creativity of a great neighbour. Thanks to Tish, I will look 'smashing'!!!