Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Ducks in a row

It is foolish to tear one's hair in grief, 
...as though sorrow would be made less by baldness." 

I was looking for a motivational quote this morning to push aside the doubts and negative thoughts that were creeping in (and do creep back from time to time).   There were lots of deep and meaningful ones but this one did exactly what I needed... it made me smile!!

I have lots to smile about at the moment...
  1. Mum arrives tonight!!
  2. I get the keys to my new flat on Thursday!!!!!
  3. I have some wonderful friends who are going to help me move my stuff!!!!!!!!!
  4. and the boss has given me Friday off to make he move happen.
I must keep everything in perspective and not dwell on the "what-ifs" or the "remember-whens"...   I need to remember that it's no longer about whether or not the decisions that I've made recently are right, it's about HOW I am going to make my choices WORK FOR ME!!!

    1 comment:


    Just popped over from Kiwi Carole's class to say hello. I am next to you on the list on the blog and that means we are sitting next to each other in class :o) Hope you are enjoying making the little books

    I hope your move goes well and that your choices DO WORK FOR YOU

    Best wishes
    Carolyn x