Friday, February 09, 2007

It's the weekend!! (almost...) Time to set some goals

I find that if I blog my goals (intentions) that I feel obliged to stick to it - or as much as I can anyway. So.... in order to get some textile play (can't call it work cause I enjoy it ) here's my plan for the weekend.
  • Get UP when I take B to the train at 5.30am. I usually sit in bed with the computer and surf/read blogs until suddenly it's 11.30am and the day's gone!
  • Work on a Journal quilt - I'm doing an online class at Quilt University and want to start the first lesson before the second comes out on Sunday (Saturday in the US)
  • Finish the latest hand-stitched piece I've been working - Detatched chain, irregular, circular. Might even get it almost finished on the train tonight
  • Quilt the fused patches that I started a couple of weekends ago;
  • Undo the quilting that I started on the Japanese Kimono Quilt (the blanket I was using for batting was too thick and have bought some batting to start again)

I may not get all of this done but at least I have something to aim for...

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