This is what I have been working on lately - postcards. I joined a postcard swap recently. It's based on the seasons although because the organiser is in the other hemisphere the seasons are all reversed for me. This is Spring, just as we in Australia are heading into Autumn (or fall as the rest of the world would know it).
I'm quite pleased with these. I did them as a large sheet and then cut them into postcard sized pieces. That way I got parts of the flowers, not just whole ones. It also means that I got a few extras, one for me and a couple to give away or sell or something.
Yummy! Doing them as a sheet does make them easier---:>
I found that doing it as a sheet added a bit of sponteneity, and didn't leave them looking 'planned'. Also whilst I have 8 cards that are from the same page, no two are alike - which is good.
I've started doing mine this way too--and that way you can do themes easier, even "stockpiling" for cutting up later!
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