Monday, January 29, 2007

Buttonhole stitch

Todays exercise was Buttonhole stitch, irregular and square. This time I put a piece of hand-dyed fabric over my (I think) linen so that Icould leave gaps without them glaring at you. This way the gaps become part of the work. I don't like this as much as the Herringbone but it's not bad...

Buttonhole - irregular -square - 8cm x 8cm


Anonymous said...

This is really nice.

gunnelsvensson said...

I think your buttonhole is lovely!

Shirley Goodwin said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog Sophie, and for your kind comments about my fabric. I like these stitching experiments - buttonhole is the only hand stitch I do, as I find it soothing.

ACey said...

Love the colors and undulating lines

quiltpixie said...

I love the feel of the irregular square, lots of movement while still be quite ordered...